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Can You Wear Blue Light Glasses with Contacts?

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A close-up of a young woman wearing blue light-blocking eyeglasses on a red and black frame.

In today’s digital age, we’re constantly surrounded by electronic devices that emit blue light. From smartphones and laptops to tablets and televisions, it’s hard to escape the blue light present in our daily lives.

This type of light has been shown to cause digital eye strain, headaches, and even disrupt our sleep patterns. To combat these effects, many people have turned to blue light glasses as a solution. But what if you wear contacts? Can you still wear blue light glasses?

The good news is yes, you can wear blue light glasses with contacts. Many people find it to be a convenient and effective way to protect their eyes from blue light.

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light is a type of light found in the visible light spectrum. It’s present in natural sunlight, but it is also emitted by electronic devices such as:

  • Smartphones
  • Laptops
  • Televisions

Blue light is unique in that it has a high energy and a short wavelength, which means that it has a higher frequency than other colors of light.

One of the biggest concerns with blue light is its effects on our sleep patterns. Exposure to blue light at night has been linked to disruptions in sleep patterns, which can lead to insomnia, fatigue, and other health issues.

The high-energy blue light can also cause:

  • Eye strain
  • Headaches
  • Dry eyes

Prolonged exposure to blue light can also increase the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, a condition that affects the part of the eye responsible for central vision.

So what can we do to protect ourselves from the negative effects of blue light? One solution is to use blue light-blocking glasses.

These glasses can help to reduce the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes and protect your health.

A young girl is rubbing her irritated left eye due to long exposure to blue light while using her cell phone.

Blue Light Glasses

Blue light glasses are designed to filter out the harmful blue light that is emitted by electronic devices. Blue light glasses can also help to improve your sleep patterns by blocking the blue light that can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

When choosing blue light glasses, it’s important to select a pair that is comfortable and fits well. Many blue light glasses come with adjustable nose pads or flexible frames to ensure a secure and comfortable fit. 

Can Contacts Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light?

Contacts are worn directly on the eye, which means that they provide a physical barrier between your eyes and the blue light source.

However, blue light has a shorter wavelength than other colors of light and can penetrate through the contact lens. This is why it’s not enough to rely on contacts alone to protect your eyes from the effects of blue light.

Non-Prescription Blue Light Glasses

Non-prescription blue light glasses are safe to be worn over contacts, providing an additional layer of protection against blue light exposure. These glasses are available in various styles and designs, making it easy to find a pair that suits your taste and fits comfortably over your contacts.

Another important thing to consider is the coatings on the lens. Some blue light glasses have coatings that can help to reduce glare and improve visual clarity. This can be particularly beneficial for those who wear contacts and are sensitive to glare.

Other Ways to Reduce Blue Light Exposure

While blue light glasses can be an effective solution for protecting our eyes from the negative effects of blue light, there are also other ways to reduce our exposure.

  • Limit the amount of time spent in front of electronic devices before bedtime. By reducing the amount of time using screens before bedtime, you can improve your sleep patterns.
  • Use dim red lights at night. Unlike blue light, red light has a longer wavelength and a lower frequency, which means it is less likely to disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. By using dim red lights at night, you can help your body prepare for sleep.
  • Use blue light filtering software on your electronic devices. These software programs can be easily downloaded and installed on your device and can help to reduce the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes.
  • Taking frequent breaks while working on electronic devices. This can also help to reduce eye strain by giving your eyes some time to relax and readjust.
  • 20-20-20 rule. The 20-20-20 rule is a method to reduce eye strain caused by prolonged screen time. The rule states that every 20 minutes, you should take a break from looking at your screen and focus on an object that is at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This helps to relax the muscles in your eyes that can become fatigued from staring at a screen for long periods.

Explore Your Options for Blue Light Protection

Blue light is a constant presence in our digital age, and it can have a significant impact on our eye health and sleep patterns. While contacts can provide some level of protection, specialized blue light glasses offer a more effective solution for filtering out the harmful blue light emitted by electronic devices.

If you have questions about blue light glasses or are interested in finding a pair, speak with our team at Total Vision La Mesa. We can help you understand the benefits and find out if blue-light glasses could be a good fit for your lifestyle.

Written by Total Vision

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