No, diabetes doesn’t cause macular degeneration. This health condition can increase the likelihood of developing certain eye conditions, but macular degeneration isn’t one of them. Instead, diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy or diabetic macular edema, two conditions that mimic macular degeneration. Or, diabetes can worsen existing macular degeneration. […]
Can Diabetes Cause Double Vision?
Diabetes impacts different parts of the body. However, diabetes doesn’t just influence blood sugar levels; it can also lead to various eye issues, including double vision caused by damage to the cranial nerves and eye muscle paralysis. […]
Can Diabetic Retinopathy Be Reversed?
Comprehensive eye exams are important to protect your health and help you see clearly, especially if you have diabetes. This […]
What Causes Loss of Peripheral Vision?
One part of your vision that your eye doctor will typically check during a comprehensive eye examination is your peripheral […]